New site, new release

Welcome to Transdroid’s new website: Glad you have found your way. The application is getting better and better and is also attracting more and more users. To fit this growing interest and more mature image, the logical next step was for the application to get its own domain name. Thanks so much to Travis, who provided the domain registration and hosting. The old blog will be there for a little longer, but only on this site you’ll find the latest updates and user support. All old posts and comments are moved here too.

More interesting for you as a users is that a new Transdroid version was just released! Version 0.12.1 had some nice updates, most of which were requested by users themselves. So what’s new?

  • Vuze (previously called Azureus) support. The most-used torrent client that wasn’t yet supported. You will need the XML over HTTP plug-in enabled in Vuze.
  • Swipe to switch. Switching between your server configurations now is even easier. Just swipe – or fling – your finger from left to right or right to left to switch to the next or previous configuration. No need to open up the menu.
  • Support for local .torrent file uploads. You will need a compatible file manager, such as OI File Manager. Hit the ‘add local .torrent file’ button in the torrent add screen to install. Other file managers may work, such as aFile when using the Send to… command.
  • Deluge support updated. Transdroid’s Deluge support is based on the not yet released 1.2 version. In practice this means that you will always need the latest SVN version. Transdroid is updated to reflect the recent (security) updates and should work again.
  • Updated translations, now including Romanian.

Get the new version from the market or download directly. More coming up!

Support Transdroid development

Even though I try to update and improve Transdroid often, there is always more to add and make it even better. Of course I will keep doing this, but you can help as well. What can you do?


Transdroid is free and open-source. Anyone can download it form the Android market or even directly from the web. If you are a Twitter follower you can get beta version too. But if you feel it saves you time (and hence money), maybe you would like to donate some to support future Transdroid development? You are free to pay whatever you like. I do have to pay 30 cents transaction costs though, so please make the amount higher than that. 😉 Hit the large Donate button at the right.

Provide webspace

Maybe you can’t miss any money, but have some connections with web hosts? Transdroid still needs it own domain name (I believe is still free) and some web space with a small amount of bandwidth. PHP and MySQL supported will be needed, but that’s about it.

UPDATE: This is taken care of. Thanks!

Become a developer

Transdroid is open-source which means everyone is free to get the Android source code and start coding new features. I tried to build everything using clear and open coding standards and extensively commented. You don’t have to be an experienced Android developer, as it really is pretty much standard Java. So if you want to build some new torrent client support like Torrentflux, Vuze or whatever is to your liking; checkout the SVN and get coding.


I am a native Dutch speaker and quite apt in English as well, but that’s about it. Currently Transdroid is already offered in German, French, Spanish and Italian. You can help as well! Do you speak another language fluently or want to update one of the languages already supported (especially Italian is old)? It’s as simple as getting the strings.xml file from the source code site. Use the English original in the ‘values‘ directory if your language wasn’t supported yet. Just send the translation to me via e-mail or use the issue tracker.

UPDATE: I have just finished a tool to translate Transdroid right form your web browser, which can be found right here.

Icon and artwork

At the beginng of Transdroid’s development, only Transmisison was supported as a torrent client. Since then, support was extended to 5 6 different apps already. The icon never changed though: it is still the Transmission icon I snitched used back then. So if you are a good designer, why not draw some nice icon and maybe some artwork as well? I don’t have any concrete specs but I guess it should do something with Android’s droid, torrents and maybe ‘remote’.

UPDATE: Please post any artwork and icon you have here on the issue tracker. Transdroid already has a new icon! Without the droid…

Spread the word

If none of the above apply, you can always spread the word to your friends, collegues and all other Android users. Maybe post some praise on Twitter or your blog?

Thanks for any help. I will try to reward all effort with an even more complete, useful, stable and attractive torrent remote app.

Better views at your torrents

The latest and greatest Transdroid has just been released to the market, which mostnotably comes with an options to filter your torrents per status. Four views are available with a simple button press, which will filter the torrent list for a better overview of what is going on. There is still a main view showing all your torrents, but you can also choose to only display downloading, seeding or inactive torrents.

The new main views per torrent status
The new main views per torrent status

Hope you like this new feature. If you have other ideas on how to Transdroid, feel free to leave a comment, or even open an issue for it.

Multi-server support

Not only was support for multiple servers a personal nice-to-have, but it was also requested by some of the Transdroid users. So I finally had the time to build this very nice feature, which is in the newly released 0.10.1. It is now very easy to switch between set-ups. One of the main benefits: when you come how and connect to your local WiFi, a simple tap on your LAN server configuration is enough to connect to your torrent app again. Here are some screenshots of the new functionality:

The new preferences screen shows all server configurations
The new preferences screen shows all server configurations
Switching between server configurations is easy
Switching between server configurations is easy

And have you noticed that you can now not only search isoHunt, but BTJunkie and Mininova as well? I will build a web search feature in the near future.

New sites available, all with search results right inside Transdroid
New sites available, all with search results right inside Transdroid

Oh, and the nasty widget bug is also solved in this release. Sorry for any inconvience this may have caused. Hope the new features make up for it. 🙂

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